Feel the Difference
Our Program is Performance oriented and Partnership driven to maximize the Possibilities for you and your horse.
Next Level Horsemanship is a unique and proven effective training program created by Suzanne Myers, M.S., Ph.D. Our program places a strong emphasis on establishing a Partnership between you and your horse, and developing the Performance that you have been looking for, so that you can Ride…Better than Ever!
From heavily imprinted horses to wild or feral horses, the Next Level Horsemanship program works. The NLH program has proven effective under the most challenging horse behaviors and, through the most varied training scenarios.
We don’t discriminate among breed or discipline. If you need help with your horse, you’ve come to the BEST place!

Your Dream Horse is the One You Have Now…It Can Be True With Next Level Horsemanship Training.
The NLH Program defines a unique and broad-based learning experience for your horse. It combines the best of both classical and natural horsemanship training techniques for amazing results.
We believe in preserving the natural spirit of the horse throughout the training process and in the assessment of each horse as an individual during its training, explains Suzanne Myers, founder of Next Level Horsemanship. We use the horse’s natural means of communicating with each other to establish ourselves as effective, and trusted leaders. Ultimately we develop a respectful and powerful level of communication between horse and handler which results in a true partnership and enhanced performance. With a thorough and consistent training program we build positive relations between horse and rider that will last a lifetime.
Suzanne Myers has over 35 years of professional experience training horses. She and her team have worked with some of the toughest horses, including wild mustangs, with a 100% success rate.
Suzanne has performed clinics and demonstrations at many prestigious expos including Equine Affaire, MA; Midwest Horse Fair, WI; the Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo, Indiana; and the Pennsylvania Horse World Expo, Harrisburg, PA. She has also presented informative seminars at locations including The Horse World Expo, Harrisburg, PA, and Equine Affaire, MA, and for other professional organizations.
Horses and riders have been trained in the Next Level Horsemanshhip program from throughout the United States.
Next Level Horsemanship
Improve Your Horse. Improve Your Life.